Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Social Science free essay sample

The Future of Energy: Guiding Decisions with Evidence Kaplan University SC300 Big Ideas in Science: From Methods to Mutation Professor Molika Chea laura lux 2013 Basically, humans use lots of energy for heating, lighting, movement, machines, etc. That energy has to come from an energy source. Some sources are renewable, some sources are non-renewable. Texas energy use per person has fallen in recent years and today is at its lowest level since 1965. Texas per capita residential use of electricity is significantly higher than the national average, however, due to the high demand for air-conditioning during hot summer months and the widespread use of electricity as the primary energy source for home heating during typically mild winter months. Despite large net interstate electricity imports in some areas, the Texas power grid is largely isolated from the integrated power systems serving the eastern and western U. S. , and most areas of Texas have little ability to export or import electricity to and from other states. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Science or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Texas has a great assortment of energy options available to power its future. As the supply of traditional fuels become less certain and more costly, advanced technology will play an increasingly important role. In Texas, solar power is used for a variety of purposes including, powering homes, school crosswalk warning signs and water pumping systems. Texas is ranked first in solar energy potential according to the State Energy Conversation Office (SECO) but is currently only tenth in solar energy production. Homeowners can save energy while improving their homes comfort level by adopting energy-efficient building practices. Substantial savings are possible whether building a new home, renovating an existing one, or simply updating some features to improve your homes efficiency. At the same time, homeowners can use green power for their home to reduce further their consumption of energy from fossil fuels and lower their carbon footprint. Energy efficiency and green power are two ways to go green in your home. You can save energy while improving your homes comfort and helping the environment by making your home more energy-efficient. In fact, making your home energy efficient is the first step to green. And indeed, energy efficiency will save you money, allowing you to invest in other green technologies to make your home more healthy, comfortable and sustainable (energy4me, retrieved 2013). For basic recommendations, strategies and tips for energy efficiency improvements and products for your home, EPA developed the ENERGY STAR program. ENERGY STAR is the government backed symbol for energy efficiency. An ENERGY STAR labeled product, appliance or building indicates superior energy performance. Program is a great place to begin whether making improvements to an existing home or building a new home (energy4me, retrieved 2013). Renewable sources are energy sources that will not run out. They can be used forever. They include Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Wave Energy; Geothermal energy. Fossil Fuel causes lots of pollution. Renewable energy sources dont cause pollution. The advantage of renewable energy is that we will never run out. The disadvantage is we have to work hard to have solar powered cars and homes. The is no advantage of non-renewable energy. The disadvantage of non-renewable energy is that we will never get that energy back and that we have to use some of our most endangered resources to create more non-renewable energy. The non-renewable energy resource refers to different types of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum products, and natural gas. There are two major disadvantages of non-renewable energy resources. All the reserves of these fuels will be depleted sooner or later and we will run out of their supplies. This will happen for petroleum products and natural gas much faster than for coal. Other major problem with this fuel is the pollution created by their use(energy4me, retrieved 2013). . The major advantages of non-renewable energy sources are low cost and ease of use. But both these advantage may be diluted over a period as prices of such fuel rise withe depleting resources, and as better technologies are developed for use of renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources, as the name signifies, can be renewed or regenerated, therefor we will not run out of their supplies with use. This is their biggest advantage over non-renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources include a very wide range of sources including, running water (as in rivers), wind power, tidal power, solar power, bio-fuels and geo-thermal heat. There is also the nuclear power, which is really a non-renewable source of energy, but because of vast reserves of nuclear material available may be treated as renewable source of energy. The major advantage most of the renewable energy is the high cost of equipment required for using them. Also use of bio-fuels is not as convenient as the fossil fuel. Also the current supplies of bio-fuels are limited. It is expected with further development and research, availability and quality of bio fuels will increase and prices will reduce. Similarly technologies are being developed to make use of other renewable energy sources more economical and convenient. BIOFUEL Gasoline and diesel are actually ancient biofuels. But they are known as fossil fuels because they are made from decomposed plants and animals that have been buried in the ground for millions of years. Biofuels are similar, except that theyre made from plants grown today. Much of the gasoline in the United States is blended with a biofuel—ethanol. This is the same stuff as in alcoholic drinks, except that its made from corn that has been heavily processed. There are various ways of making biofuels, but they generally use chemical reactions, fermentation, and heat to break down the starches, sugars, and other molecules in plants. The leftover products are then refined to produce a fuel that cars can use (epa, retrieved 2013). BIOMASS Biomass is carbon based and is composed of a mixture of organic molecules containing hydrogen, usually including atoms of oxygen, often nitrogen and also small quantities of other atoms, including alkali, alkaline earth and heavy metals. These metals are often found in functional molecules such as the porphyries which include chlorophyll which contains magnesium ( epa, retrieved 2013). GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth. Its clean and sustainable. Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earths surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma (epa, retrieved 2013). Generally speaking, Non-renewable sources are fossil fuels. These come from underground and are Coal, Oil and Gas. There is a fixed amount of coal oil and gas in the world and when we have used it all, there is no more. We cannot re-new them. The potential of renewable energy sources is enormous as they can in principle meet many times the world’s energy demand. Renewable energy sources such as biomass, wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal can provide sustainable energy services, based on the use of routinely available, indigenous resources. A transition to renewables-based energy systems is looking increasingly likely as their costs decline while the price of oil and gas continue.

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